
Showing posts from May, 2023

Most Hispanic US state weighs benefits of language programs

Lilianna Naizer-Baldwin,10, closer view community, lifts her hand during her Spanish class at the New Mexico Global School in Albuquerque, N.M., on Friday, May 27, 2022. Mary Baldwin a brain research understudy at UNM Emergency clinic Wellbeing science Center moved to the U.S.  Structure Honduras when she was 10. Presently her little girl Lilianna is a similar age, and because of the double language program she's sufficiently familiar to cook banana-leaf-wrapped tamales with her Spanish-talking grandma.  New Mexico is the main state in the nation where the option to learn in Spanish is spread out the constitution. (AP Photograph/Cedar Attanasio) ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Jacqueline Powell and her 4th grade cohorts worked over pencil and paper to compose a letter in Spanish about what they did in class this year. While double language programs are presented in a large number of schools across the U.S., New Mexico is the main state where the option to learn in Spanish is spr...